Structural behaviour of a clt connection with bonded-in rods under shear loading
DOI:Ключові слова:
glued-in rods (GiR), bonded-in rods, combined loading, group effects, universal joint, CLT panels, connectorАнотація
The test results presented in this paper show the load-carrying capacity, deformability and failure modes in shear in-plane and out-of-plane of CLT panels with the newly developed solution of a universal connector for CLT timber structures, which offers the possibility of quick and easy installation and assembly, as well as easy disassembly and reuse. This solution shall contribute to the necessary reconstruction of the damages in Ukraine and facilitate the quick restoration of housing as well as
providing long-lasting sustainable and circular connection solutions. The developed connector is a unit in the form of a steel plate on glued-in rods, that are embedded in the CLT panels and developed in the frame of research project “ReConnect - Efficient connections for modular prefabricated timber buildings to help reconstruction in Ukraine”. This allows to connection CLT panels in various arrangements together or to other building parts such as foundations or concrete cores. Connections with glued-in rods are widely used in Eastern European countries, especially in long-span timber structures for buildings
of various types. ReConnect is funded by Swedish Institutet, the partners from O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv (Ukraine), Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg (Sweden), Tallinn University of Technology, (Estonia), and National University of Water and Environmental Engineering in Rivne (Ukraine) are collaborating.
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