Efficiency estimation of the shaped hot rolled steel product mix of India and Ukraine
https://doi.org/10.32347/2522-4182.4.2019.4-9Ключові слова:
Product mix, metal rolling, steel constructions, metal structures, shaped sections, India, Ukraine.Анотація
The publication presents main results of the performed quantitative and qualitative analysis of modern shaped rolled metal products of India, which is used for structural steel members. Its efficiency was compared to the current domestic product range of Ukraine on the example of angle bars, channel sections and flanged beams. Special attention is paid to the system of designations and marking of product mix items. The publication presents the main results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the modern hot rolled steel assortment of India, which is used for steel building structures. The shaped hot rolled steel products are considered, represented in the standards of both countries by four types of profiles – equal leg angles, unequal leg angles, channel and beams. Special attention is paid to the system of designations and labeling of products of the assortment. In general, it should be noted that the overall organization and principle of construction of the analyzed assortments of India and Ukraine are quite similar. The main fundamental difference is the availability in the standard of India of a wider range of profile varieties within one step, which makes it possible to more efficiently choose the required section in the design. However, the step itself is widely than in domestic standards, which negates such dignity. Angels profiles in the Indian assortment have a wider range of thicknesses and are represented by a large number of sizes, especially for unequal leg angles, which is connected with a significant distribution of such profiles in the supporting elements of steel structures. Channel profiles in general have approximately the same degree of efficiency and the number of standard sizes in the assortments of both countries. In the standard of India, profiles with flange slopped shelves are displayed in more way and, in the domestic standard, with parallel shelves. Beam profiles have the largest number of sizes in both assortments, but unlike the domestic standard in India's standard, they are presented only in cross-sections with flange slopped shelves. In this case, the profiles aimed at bending, according to the domestic assortment have specific characteristics averaged on 15 – 40 % higher with a less on 30 – 40 % by weight. For profiles of heavy series, oriented also on the perception of longitudinal forces, sections in the Indian assortment have higher specific characteristics and less weight on average by 20 – 30 %.Посилання
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